الأحد, 02 آب/أغسطس 2015 11:30

مذكرة تأسيس إنجليزي

Memorandum and articles of Association of the
The 'IBCRA' is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit making Association, whose aim is to compile, study and document the Bija culture. The word 'culture' is used here to cover language, arts, literature, tradition, Customs, beliefs, social norms and relevant development studies.


1- Establishment of the written language (in Arabic and Latin Scripts) and promoting literacy materials and education in Bedawiet. 
2- Publication of both bi- and trilingual dictionaries (Beja/Arabic/English). 
3- Research into the relationships between Beja and other languages to elucidate its linguistic ancestry. 
4- Collection of a comprehensive corpus of Beja literature in its various forms and genres. 
5- Exploration of Beja culture and its relationships to other cultures. 
6- Promotion of a systematic archaeological study of Beja history with the aim of establishing a definitive historical record. 
7- Issue of published materials on Beja culture. 
8- Promotion of exhibitions, conferences and symposia on Beja culture. 
9- Fostering relationships with research centers and academic institutions in Sympathy with the aims of the Association. 
10- Developing of a Center and Institute for Beja Culture. 
11- Fostering academic research, especially by Beja speakers.

Articles of Association:

The Administrative system of IBCRA shall consist of a General Assembly, and a Board of Directors.

The General Assembly:

Shall convene every two years. 
Shall decide general policy and outline procedures that best achieve the aims of the Association. 
Shall elect a board of five directors.

The Board of Directors:

Shall specify operating procedures as directed by the General Assembly. 
Shall, at its first meeting, elect from its members a chairman, two vice- presidents, an administrative secretary and a financial secretary. 
Shall have as a quorum three fifths of its members. 
Shall have a fixed duration of two years after which new elections shall be held. 
The Board of Directors shall produce a report of all its activities and shall present this to the meeting of the General Assembly. 
Simple majority will take the resolutions, and the chairman shall have the casting vote. 
The Board of Directors may appoint ad hoc committees for every activity of the Association,Members of these committees may be co-opted from outside the Association. 
The Board will strive to obtain scholarships for its members in relevant fields of study. Applications from members for these scholarships will be assessed by the board and awarded by them as appropriate. 
The board may appoint salaried officials to further the work of the Association.

Duties of Board Office Holders


The Chairman: 

shall chair both the Board of Directors and the General Assembly. 
Shall report on all his activities to the Board. 
The Chairmen or his delegate shall be the representative of the Association before others.

The Administrative Secretary: 

Shall be responsible for safe keeping and filing of all Association documents. 
Shall be responsible for convening meetings after being so instructed by the Chairman. 
Shall be responsible for taking minutes at Board meetings. 
Shall present an Annual administrative report to the Board of Directors. 
Shall present a report to the GM about the lapsed session.

The Financial Secretary: 

Shall be responsible to the Board for all financial matters relating to the Association. 
Shall maintain accounts that accurately represent the financial state of the association. 
Shall present annual accounts to the Board and to the General Assembly. 
To be accountable before the Board and G. M. in regard to all pecuniary matters- as decided by the Board- in respect of revenues and expenditure. 
b) To present an annual performances report to the Board. 
c) To present a report to the GM about the lapsed session.


The Association Membership is open to All Beja People and to all those actively interested in the aims of the Association.

Terms of Membership: 

1- All prospective members must submit a written application or fill in the Association's membership application form. 
2- Acceptance for membership of the Association will depend on the agreement of the board or a membership committee authorized by it. 
3- Membership will be dependent on payment of the annual subscription decided by the board. 
4- Students and full members of universities may enjoy reduced rates at the discretion of the Board or the Membership Committee. In order to qualify they must produce documentary evidence of their status. 
5- All membership payments will be made to the Financial Secretary. 
6- At the discretion of the Board a member may be offered a reduction in their subscription if they pay five or more years in advance. 
7- Any Association member of ten or more years standing and who has paid all his subscriptions may be offered life membership free of further charge.

Honorary Membership 

The Board may offer honorary Membership to any researcher who presents a dissertation on any aspect of Beja Culture. 
Honorary membership of the Association shall not exceed 40 in number, and no more than five may be appointed at each session of the Board. 
An honorary member is exempt from all membership subscriptions. 
An honorary member may not vote at meetings of the General Assembly but may participate fully in all debates and discussions. 
The Board of Directors may cancel any honorary membership if it is felt to be in the interests of the Association.

Association Finance 

The financial resources of the Association are: 
a) Membership subscriptions. 
b) Donations and grants. 
c) Income from the Association 's cultural activities.


1- None of the above Articles of the Association may be altered without a Two-thirds majority of the General Assembly. 
2- The Arabic Text is the original text of this Memorandum and Articles of Association.

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